Shipping Info

Worms are shipped Mondays and Tuesdays.  We may delay shipping for holidays or extreme weather conditions.  We will provide tracking information when a shipping label is created.

Delivery guarantee: We guarantee live delivery. We ask that you open your worms as soon as they arrive and not let them sit outside in freezing or hot temperatures. We do not guarantee live delivery if they are left on a porch or in the mailbox.   

It’s best for the worms to place them into their worm bin as soon as possible.  If that is not practical, pour 6 to 8 ounces of water over the dry bedding they are packed in.

While it is unusual for worms to arrive dead, it can happen. If your worms arrive DOA, please open the box, spread them out and take a picture and short video.

While it is unusual for worms to arrive dead, it can happen. If your worms arrive DOA, please open the box, spread them out and take a picture.  We must be notified within 24 hours if this occurs.  


Our Mission:  We strive to provide quality worms and worm castings in a sustainable way.  Our breeder worms are fed organic feed and adults are fed pre-composted horse and cattle manures.